Following the footsteps of RBI and SEBI allowing regulated entities to onboard and verify customers using a video call (V-CIP or V-IPV as the process is commonly known), IRDAI has taken steps to let Insurance Companies do the same (known as VBIP). Here’s how you can use our ready to use, zero integration, secure and […]
Video KYC Compliance Checklist
Implementing Video KYC Compliance involves more than merely integrating a video chat interface into your customer onboarding process. It represents a significant organizational shift that requires comprehensive changes to your existing procedures and infrastructure. Companies will inevitably experience phases of incorrect implementation, followed by phases where they are neither entirely wrong nor entirely right, before […]
Video KYC Process – A simple use case flow
A high level flow of how the Video KYC call is initiated between the Agent and the Customer.
Aadhaar Masking Solution
What is Aadhaar Masking Solution? Aadhaar and its regulations are governed by UIDAI. And as per UIDAI, Aadhaar masking solution refers to automatically covering the first eight digits of Aadhaar number – in physical or digital form. More precisely, Aadhaar masking refers to concealing the first 8 digits of the Aadhaar Number captured in Application […]
What is penny drop verification?
What is penny drop verification? Penny Drop or Bank account verification as is commonly referred to is a way to verify the authenticity of a user’s Bank Account. This is achieved by depositing a small amount (usually a penny and hence the name) – usually INR 1 (one rupee) in the Indian context – which […]
Video KYC Deployment Steps
Following the comprehensive Video KYC FAQ, here is a quick summary of how to deploy the Video KYC solution into your client onboarding flow to remain compliant with the steps specified by the regulator. The Video KYC process can be split into three pillars (Before, During and After) taken from the V-CIP process defined in […]
1.What is Video KYC Video KYC allows a regulated entity to open an account-based relationship with a customer without meeting the customer face to face. The customer can, through a video call, chat directly with a Banker, provide all the identity documents to verify who they are and complete the account opening steps in a […]
Video Customer Identification (V-CIP)
The move removes the need to go into a branch, invite strangers to the house, share paper copies, or wait for days for the account-opening process to be completed. Instead, the customer can, through a stroke of a video call, chat directly with a Banker, provide all the identity documents to verify who they are […]