It was once the domain of the petty thieves working alone, and often targeting one organisation. The organisations too did not feel the pang and often wrote the losses off as bad debts. On a bad day for the thieves, a few days of community service and a slap on the wrist was all it […]
Career Expectations – Finding the perfect match.
We are a small, and relatively, unknown entity in the vast ocean of the software (or rather information technology) industry. However, we do get a few requests, from time to time, from aspiring individuals to join us. At the start, we were sending out mails diligently to those we personally considered may not be a […]
Orpheus Cloud – A few steps to get started.
Following on from our earlier blog, here’s a bit more about how we used the Amazon cloud server to host our fraud management system in the cloud. We did try a year ago to host our application on a different hosted virtual machine, however, apart from costing more for a low spec machine, we encountered […]
Employment Fraud – Phoney companies and fake jobs.
It has become a familiar story in India, Bangalore in particular. Fly-by-night companies, crop up in shiny new technology parks, lure fresh engineering graduates with the promise of a world class training and a lucrative job, in return for a security deposit, and then disappear without a trace (and of course with the security deposit). […]
Orpheus Cloud – Our fraud management tool in the cloud.
It’s been two weeks since we hosted our fraud management solution in the cloud. It is purely for demo purposes, and the feedback so far has been positive. I thought I should share with you some of the thought processes that went into hosting the solution in the first place. We announced a free trial […]
PBX Fraud – Fast catching up as the mother of all frauds.
According to the 2011 Global Fraud Loss Survey conducted by Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA), the top two fraud types in the Telecommunication industry are Subscription Fraud and Compromised PBX System Fraud (circa $10 billion in combined dollar loss). While PBX fraud has been around for many years it has only taken centre stage as […]
Big Data – Is this the end of the road for traditional Data warehouse?
Data Warehousing is close to my heart as I’ve spent a significant part of my career building, modelling or architecting large and complex data warehouses and analytics systems. If I am not building one, I am certainly using one. Finding the data sources, cleaning and loading them into structured star schemas and deriving intelligence has […]
Attrition – How bad can it be?
As a start-up, how do you deal with staff attrition? I thought I didn’t have to write about this for a good few years but there you go. A few thoughts on how we must let go and build a relationship even after the contractual connection has ended. It was just another normal week in […]
Our office – A place where we enjoy each other’s company.
I thought I’ll write about where we are based and a bit about our neighbourhood. We are in a place called HSR Layout, a leafy suburb south of Bangalore, about 20kms from the city centre. We spend our time here designing and developing our products, finding and learning new technologies, cracking problems, figuring out how […]
Scientific Management – Taylorism at its best.
Frederick Winslow Taylor, one of the pioneers in scientific management, argued, a century ago, that management shouldn’t be an art; instead a carefully selected set of scientific principles that should focus on systematic collection of knowledge about work processes, creation of tried and tested procedures for performing tasks and ruthless application of workforce efficiency. By […]