‘Know Your Customer’ or ‘KYC’ – as is the popular term for identity verification – follows a citizen like a shadow, throughout life, for a range of rights and services, intricately linked to one’s progress from education to employment to healthcare and finance. Imagine the lack of education for lack of KYC; or lack of […]
Aadhaar Compliance – Are you compliant with Aadhaar Masking?
What is Aadhaar masking? As per UIDAI, masking refers to covering the first eight digits of Aadhaar number – in physical or digital form. More precisely, masking refers to concealing the first 8 digits of the Aadhaar Number in your Application and the Aadhaar Card Image (captured as POI or POA). Did you know that […]
KYZO – Groundbreaking Digital KYC – Brings formidable form, shape and gravity to solving the world’s KYC crisis.
Lack of identity is an impediment for people to exercise their basic democratic and human rights. Digital identification can help overcome barriers to participation (World Bank Report, 2016). ‘Know Your Customer’ or ‘KYC’, follows a common man like a shadow for a range of rights and services. Insurance, investment, health, education, social welfare and financial […]
An inclusive Digital KYC as an alternative to Aadhaar KYC
The Indian KYC Context. Mutual relationship between regulated businesses and their customers begins with a simple step: Know Your Customer (KYC). This process was fraught with paper work, delays, intrusive checks and excessive costs until a few years ago. Aadhaar changed this dramatically with the introduction of Aadhaar KYC which had limited but enough information to establish […]
Aadhaar KYC is no longer binding, could Atlas KYC be the alternative?
Mutual relationship between a regulated business and their customer begins with a simple step: Know Your Customer (KYC). This process was fraught with paper work, intrusive checks and prohibitive costs to the tune of INR 150 – 175 per KYC. Aadhaar changed this dramatically with the introduction of Aadhaar eKYC in 2016 bringing down the […]
Face authentication as part of Aadhaar eKYC to add additional security.
Obtaining a SIM is fairly straightforward in India, thanks largely to Aadhaar (Unique ID linked to people’s biometrics) that nearly every Indian has now. All a citizen needs to do is to provide their Aadhaar number and biometrics (fingerprint of iris) and the KYC is done electronically. Instantly. While this seems like a perfect solution, […]
eKYC – Know Your Customer unassisted using Aadhaar, OTP and Face Biometrics.
Know Your Customer is essential for obtaining any services – Banking, insurance, telecoms, public services – the list goes on. In the Indian context, until Aadhaar opened up its APIs, KYC was a laborious process costing billions to services providers and inconveniencing customers a great deal with a mountain of paper identity documents. With the […]
Vistas Visitor Experience – Wow your visitors the moment they step into your office.
As I visit many of the biggest offices around the world, I wonder “wow” what a nice office. And almost immediately that wow is replaced with angst as I get ready to go through the elaborate, unwelcome and quite frankly unnecessary sign-in process. Of course, my details will have to be captured and my movement […]
Biometric authentication for Call Centres.
It’s fair to say that contacting call centres, in particular Financial Institutions, are never a pleasant experience. It’s hard to get through the IVR and even harder to get through the security questions to prove who you say you are. Knowledge based details such as mother’s maiden name, date of birth, present and past address, […]
A phenomenon called ‘contact customer support’ – anything short of a revolution is indeed a disaster.
After enduring the audio tune and typing in every number on the keypad, you are finally connected to Customer Support – breath easy. Well, not yet. Instead of getting to the point straight away, you will be subjected to a barrage of security questions to prove your identity. It would seem like every customer is […]