eKYC – Know Your Customer unassisted using Aadhaar, OTP and Face Biometrics.

Know Your Customer is essential for obtaining any services – Banking, insurance, telecoms, public services – the list goes on. In the Indian context, until Aadhaar opened up its APIs, KYC was a laborious process costing billions to services providers and inconveniencing customers a great deal with a mountain of paper identity documents.

With the advent of electronic KYC or eKYC using the Aadhaar biometrics platform, things hasn’t changed a lot. It certainly has reduced paper documents. However, eKYC is still done in an “assisted” mode – meaning either the customer has to be present at the Bank to avail the services or a Bank executive has to reach the customer to collect the biometric data. As you can note, the process hasn’t changed much. What was costing the Banks earlier is what is costing today – perhaps more with the new biometric devices.

Therefore this required more radical steps to move from “assisted” to “unassisted” mode – that the customers can complete the eKYC process at the comfort of their homes using only a mobile phone. The regulators allowed for this by using One Time Password (OTP) as a second factor of authentication with Aadhaar as the first factor. However, with increasing volumes (500 million eKYC projected for 2020), and the possibility for this service to be abused, this would need additional verifications to ensure that the person completing the transaction is who he really says he is. With this in mind, we rolled out our Atlas eKYC solution with face verification as the third factor of authentication.

A simple and seamless way to transform eKYC. Watch the full demo here:




About FRS Labs: From preventing fraud to verifying identity (KYC), we help organizations onboard and retain good customers. Our patent pending solutions can be quickly integrated into existing web and mobile applications.

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