We are a small, and relatively, unknown entity in the vast ocean of the software (or rather information technology) industry. However, we do get a few requests, from time to time, from aspiring individuals to join us.
At the start, we were sending out mails diligently to those we personally considered may not be a good fit – with some words of wisdom – purely on account of the accomplishments described in their CVs. However, over time, it was getting a bit tricky; understandably, as we were getting a bit busy.
Here are some of our expectations of what we think would be a fun person to have around or the “perfect match”.
We look for three key aspects: knowledge, skill and attitude. And perhaps in the reverse order: an excellent “can-do” attitude, sound technical skills, and flair to get things done in the most efficient way.
We talk a lot about good design, although not in formal meetings. We don’t write exhaustive specifications to get started; instead we have small snippets of ideas which go through (virtually) endless cycles of fine refinements. We strive to be experts in our own areas, without being micromanaged, and we certainly love to solve problems. If this sounds like your cup of tea, then you’ll be in good company.
We profoundly value our client relationships, and they mean everything to us. Conquering the world is not our goal, but delivering the best software tools to our clients is. We believe that hard work, dedication and high quality work produced day after day, is the only thing that will help us grow.
We don’t settle for “good enough”. We constantly try to challenge the status quo and subject our design and products to rigorous scrutiny. It is to ensure that only the best ideas survive. It is to believe that every new code revision and polish will take us closer to that “Wow” moment. If you love this aspect of programming, you’ll love being part of us.
We are always on the lookout for “quietly brilliant” folks to help us with our software development. If you think you are a perfect match, please do talk to us. You’ll be amazed by what small companies can do to make you feel like a real Engineer again.